Selected Abbreviations
Whenever a comma follows an abbreviation, the comma after the full stop is indicated. Plural forms are only listed when necessary. See Volume I, pp. 6-7 for a more complete list.
Abh. | Abhandlung = treatise | |
Anz. | Anzeiger = gazette | |
aor. | aorist | |
Ar. | Arabic | |
Aram. | Aramaic | |
b. | ebn = son | |
BCE | before the Common Era | |
ca. | circa | |
CE | Common Era | |
ed. and eds. | editor | |
ed. | edition | |
ed. | edited | |
e.g., | exempli gratia, =for the sake of example, | |
enl. ed. | enlarged edition | |
et al. | et alii = and others | |
etc. | et cetera = and so forth | |
idem | the same (used without regard to gender or number) | |
f. | feminine | |
facsim. | facsimile | |
fig. | figure | |
fl. | flourished | |
fol. and fols. | folio | |
Fr. | French | |
fut. | future | |
Ger. | German | |
Gk. | Greek | |
H. | hejri-e qamari = Islamic lunar calendar | |
h. | height | |
i.e., | id est, = that is (to say), | |
introd. | introduction | |
Ir. | Iranian | |
Kurd. | Kurdish | |
l. and ll. | line | |
Lat. | Latin | |
m. | masculine | |
Mid. Pers. | Middle Persian | |
ms. or MS | manuscript (plural mss. or MSS) | |
n. and nn. | note(s) | |
n.d. | no date | |
N.F. | Neue Folge = new series | |
n.p. | no place | |
N.S. | new series | |
Nachr. | Nachrichten = proceedings | |
OIr. | Old Iranian | |
OPers. | Old Persian | |
orig. | original | |
p. and pp. | page | |
par. and pars. | paragraph | |
Parth. | Parthian | |
Pers. | Persian | |
phil.-hist. Kl. | philosophisch-historische Klasse = philosophical-historical section | |
pl. | plate | |
pop. | population | |
plur. | plural | |
pres. | present tense | |
pt. and pts. | part(s) | |
repr. | reprint | |
rev. | revised | |
Rus. | Russian | |
Š. | hejra-ye šamsi = Iranian solar calendar | |
s.v. and s.vv. | sub verbo or sub voce = see under | |
sing. | singular | |
Skt. | Sanskrit | |
Syr. | Syriac | |
Taj. | Tajik | |
Turk. | Turkish | |
tr. and trs. | translator(s) | |
tr. | translation | |
tr. | translated | |
v., vv. | verse(s) | |
Vd. | Vidēvdād, Vendidad, a text of the Avesta | |
w. | width | |
Y. | Yasna, a group of texts of the Avesta | |
Yt. | Yašt, a text of the Avesta |
Revised 13 June 2011