ASIA INSTITUTE, BULLETIN OF THE, underwent three transformations in its existence. It began as the Bulletin of the American Institute of Persian Art and Archaeology in July 1931, and the first issue was edited by Arthur Upham Pope, director of the Institute. The Bulletin (14x23cm) was at first concerned with news of the Institute, but then it concentrated on reports of archaeological expeditions, such as those of Tureng Tepe by Frederick Wulsin, Tepe Hissar by Eric Schmidt, as well as the first scientific excavation which revealed Luristan bronzes at Surkh Dum by Eric Schmidt.
Even though the name of the Institute was changed to Asia Institute at the beginning of World War 2, the journal continued to be called Bulletin of the Iranian Institute, having dropped the designation ‘American’ in 1940. Because of lack of funds the Bulletin ceased publication in 1946.
In 1970 the Bulletin of the Asia Institute was revived in Shiraz in a new format 22x28cm and three issues were printed under the editor R. N. Frye. The emphasis remained on art and archaeology.
In 1975 the editor of the Bulletin became Mahyar Nawabi and the format returned to its original size. It was now called Bulletin of the Asia Institute, New Series; also the contents of the Bulletin changed from art and archaeology to linguistics and history.
In 1978 the last issue of the Bulletin was published under a new title Bulletin of the Department of Linguistics of Shiraz University. This was the end of the Bulletin in Shiraz.
In 1987 the first volume of a new Bulletin of the Asia Institute appeared in Bloomfield, Michigan, USA under the editorship of Carol Altmann Bromberg, with associate editors Richard Frye and Bernard Goldman. The first issue was dedicated to George Hanfmman and was financed by the J. Paul Getty Foundation. Although the Institute no longer existed the Bulletin reverted to articles primarily on art and archaeology and one issue a year. The second issue in 1988, and succeeding volumes, was financed by the Neil Kreitman Foundation. In 1983 a change in direction began with the inclusion of a new Middle Persian inscription from Old Shiraz by M. Tavoosi and R. N. Frye. The fourth issue continued with philological articles added to art and archaeology in a Festschrift for R. N. Frye. The eighth issue was exclusively devoted to Soviet art and archaeology, and vol. 10 was a Festschrift for V. A. Livshits. It was decided to end volumes dedicated to Festschrifts after vol. 12 in 1998 with the last one for Paul Bernard.
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بولتن مؤسسه آسیا | mosaseh asia |
(Richard N. Frye)
Originally Published: July 20, 2003
Last Updated: August 16, 2011