ABU’L-ḤASAN JORJĀNĪ, ʿALĪ B. ʿABD-AL-ʿAZĪZ B. ḤASAN B. ʿALĪ B. ESMĀʿĪL (“Qāżī Jorǰānī”), Shafeʿite jurist, poet, and man of letters, b. ca. 322/933. He came to Nīšāpūr at the age of fifteen and there progressed rapidly in various fields of learning. He was appointed judge (qāżī) of Gorgān and became a close companion of the vizier Ṣāḥeb b. ʿAbbād. Losing his post after the latter’s death in 385/995, he eventually secured the position of chief judge of Ray which he held until his death in 392/1001. (Earlier death dates have also been given.) He was interred in Gorgān. Abu’l-Ḥasan left a literary corpus which included an Arabic Dīvān, Rasāʾel, Tahḏīb al-taʾrīḵ, Tafsīr al-Qorʾān, and al-Wasāṭa bayn al-Motanabbī wa ḵoṣūmeh. Ṯaʿālebī considered him the equal of Jāḥeẓ, Boḥtorī, and Ebn Moqla in the fields of calligraphy and literature (Yatīma [Cairo], IV, pp. 3-26); and Ebn Ḵallekān praised his poetry (Wafayāt al-aʿyān, Tehran, 1284/1867-68, I, pp. 352-53).


See also Yāqūt, Odabāʾ V, pp. 249-58.

(M. Dabīrsīāqī)

Originally Published: December 15, 1983

Last Updated: July 21, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 3, p. 305

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M. Dabīrsīāqī, “ABU’L-ḤASAN JORJĀNĪ,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/3, p. 305; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/abul-hasan-jorjani-ali-b (accessed on 31 January 2014).