ĀBĪ, ʿEZZ-AL-DĪN ḤASAN B. ABŪ ṬĀLEB YŪSOFĪ, Imami faqīh (jurist) of the 7th/13th century, well-known under the nicknames of Fāżel-e Ābī and Ebn al-Zaynab. He was a pupil of Moḥaqqeq Ḥellī, with whom he held disputations on topics of Shiʿite law. He wrote a commentary on his master’s Moḵtaṣar-e nāfeʿ entitled Kašf al-romūz; its colophon bears the date 672/1273-74. He is credited with a certain individuality in his interpretation of canon law (feqh). Among the positions ascribed to him is a condemnation of the practice of having more than canonical four wives, even if this was done by recourse to moṭʿa (i.e., temporary or term marriage, or, more generally, concubinage).


Shaikh Asadallāh Tostarī, Maqābes al-anwār, lith. ed., Tabrīz, 1322/1904-05, p. 17.

Shaikh ʿAbbās Qommī, Hadīyat al-aḥbāb, Naǰaf, 1349/1930-31, p. 96.

Idem, Safīnat al-beḥār I, Tehran, 1355/1936-37, p. 55.

Idem, al-Konā wa’l-alqāb II, Naǰaf, 1376/1956-57, p. 2.

Modarres Tabrīzī, Rayḥānāt al-adab I, Tabrīz, 1346 Š./1967, p. 14.

(Abu’l-Qāsem Gorji)

Originally Published: December 15, 1982

Last Updated: July 15, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 2, p. 218

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Abu’l-Qāsem Gorji, “ĀBĪ, ʿEZZ-AL-DĪN,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/2, p. 218; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/abi-ezz-al-din-imami-faqih-jurist-of-the-13th-century (accessed on 25 January 2014).