BŪQĀ (Būqāy, Boḡā), Mongolian Boḡa, Mongol general who took part in the fighting between the il-khans Aḥmad Takūdār (Tegüder) and Arḡūn an 683/1284 and then became the vizier.
Arḡūn in his first attempt to overthrow Aḥmad suffered a defeat at Ḵabūšān near Ray in Ṣafar, 683/May, 1284, and retreated eastward to Fīrūzkūh or Kalāt, where he gathered troops for a resumption of the struggle. He was joined there by the amir Boḡa, a former governor in Asia Minor. When Arḡūn advanced westward Boḡa accompanied him, and when Aḥmad had been ousted Boḡa attended Arḡūn’s formal election on 27 Jomādā I 683/11 August 1284. He was then appointed vizier with exceptional plenary powers, his decrees having the same authority as those of the ruler, but he was ordered to act in consultation with his old friend Šams-al-Dīn Jovaynī, a former supporter of Aḥmad. As in other such cases, the arrangement soon gave rise to strife between them, which ended in the trial and execution of Jovaynī. A little later Boḡa was sent to Shiraz to quell stirrings for independence in Fārs, where the princess Ābeš Ḵātūn still reigned as atabeg. After her deposition complaints about him reached the il-khan from Fārs, he planned a rebellion but soon had to flee. He was captured and brought before Arḡūn, and in Moḥarram 688/January 1289, he and a number of his followers were executed. The troops were given a free hand to loot his belongings.
Abu’l-Faraj b. ʿEbrī (Bar Hebraeus), Taʾrīḵ moḵtaṣar al-dowal, ed. A. Ṣāleḥānī, Beirut, 1890, pp. 519f.
Abu’l-Fedā, Moḵtaṣar taʾrīḵ-al-bašar, ed. J. J. Reiske and J. G. Adler, Annales Moslemici, vols. 4-5, Copenhagen, 1792, V, pp. 66f.
U. Haarmann, Quellenstudien zur frühen Mamlukenzeit, Ph.D. thesis, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1969, p. 210.
A. Malkonian, Die Jahre 1287-1291 in der Chronik al-Yunīnīs, Ph.D. thesis, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1975. Mīrḵᵛānd (Bombay), V, p. 106.
Rašīd-al-Dīn, ms. Vienna, Mixt. 326, fols. 230v-231v, 238vf. B. Spuler, Mongolen3, pp. 81-83, 285, 468 (with particulars of sources; see also the index).
Waṣṣāf, Tārīḵ-eWaṣṣāf, ed. and tr. J. von Hammer-Purgstall, I, Vienna, 1856, pp. 271f.
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(Bertold Spuler)
Originally Published: December 15, 1989
Last Updated: December 15, 1989
This article is available in print.
Vol. IV, Fasc. 5, p. 551