MAMSIRATI, (XABIYI FIRT) DÄBE (Russian: Dabe Mamsurov), Ossetic author (b. 9, August 1909, d. 21, August 1966). Däbe was born in North Ossetia, where he started working as a teacher. He entered upon his literary career about 1930 as a poet and short story writer. His first novel appeared in 1939 (Uäzzau operaci, “Heavy operation”). Among his later works the epic novel Qäbatīrtī kadäg (2 vols., 1948-58) is especially worth mentioning. He also wrote dramas, children’s books, and critical essays. Däbe may be regarded as one of the most important Ossetic writers of the early social-realistic period.
Uacmīstä (“Collected works”) I-VI, Ordžonikidze, 1965-71.
S. T. Marzoev, Dabe Mamsurov, Ordžonikidze, 1960.
Idem, "Dabe Mamurov,” in Ocherk istorii osetinskoĭ sovetskoĭ literatury, Ordžonikidze, 1967, pp. 235-45.
(F. Thordarson)
Originally Published: July 20, 2002
Last Updated: July 20, 2002