v. Filmography
All films discussed in i-iv, above, are listed here by year of release and alphabetically within each year. When the information is available producers are listed after the translated titles. F indicates a feature film, D a documentary; an asterisk indicates that the film was released in serial form. For the sake of simplicity the original Persian forms Fīlm and Ostūdīo in the names of film companies have been anglicized to Film and Studio. National Iranian Radio and Television has been abbreviated as NIRT, Film Industry Development Company of Iran as FIDCI, and Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic as VVIR.
Flower parade (D), Mīrzā Ebrāhīm Khan ʿAkkās-bāšī
Moḥarram procession (D), Mīrzā Ebrāhīm Khan
Lions in Faraḥābād zoo (D), Mīrzā Ebrāhīm Khan ʿAkkās-bāšī 1327/1909
Moḥarram procession (D), Mehdī (Mahdī) Rūsī Khan
1304 Š./1925
Grass (D), Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack
Reżā Shah dar Majles-e Moʾassesān (Reżā Shah in the Constitutional Assembly; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1305 Š./1926
Eftetāḥ-e Majles-e Šūrā-ye Mellī (Opening of the
Majles; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
Tājgoḏārī-e Reżā Sah dar Kāḵ-e Golestān (Reżā Shah’s coronation in the Golestān palace; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1306 Š./1927
Eftetāḥ-e sāḵtmān-e rāh-e āhan-e šamāl (Inauguration
of the northern railway construction; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1307 Š./1928
Eftetāḥ-e Bānk-e Mellī-e Īrān (Inauguration of the National Bank of Persia; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1308 Š./1929
Scenes of Tabrīz (D), unknown
1309 Š./1930
Enteqām-e barādar (The brother’s revenge; Jahānnamā;
F, unfinished), Ebrāhīm Morādī
1309 Š./1931
Ābī o Rābī (Ābī and Rābī; Māyāk Sīnemā; F), Āvānes Ūhānīān
1312 Š./1933
Doḵtar-e Lor (Girl of the Lors; Imperial Film
Company, Bombay; F), ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Sepantā and Ardašīr Īrānī
1312 Š./1934
Ḥājī Āqā āktor-e sīnemā (Ḥājī Āqā, movie actor; Pārs
Film; F), Āvānes Ohānīān
1313 Š./1934
Bu’l-hawas (Capricious; Iran Film Limited Studio; F), Ebrāhīm Morādī
Ferdowsī (Imperial Film Company, Bombay; F),
ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Sepantā
Šīrīn o Farhād, (Imperial Film Company, Bombay; F),
ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Sepantā
1314 Š./1935
Čašmhā-ye sīāh (Black eyes; Shri Krishna Film, Bombay; F), ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Sepantā
1315 Š./1936
Leylī o Majnūn (East India Films, Calcutta; F), ʿAbd-al-Ḥosayn Sepantā
Marāsem-e asb-davānīhā-ye Tehrān (Ceremonies at the Tehran horse races; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1319 Š./1940
Eftetāḥ-e Rādīo Tehrān (Inauguration of Radio Tehran; D), Khan Bābā Moʿtażedī
1324 Š./1945
Doḵtar-e farārī (Girl on the run; 1324 Š./1945; F), dubbed version of Premier rendez-vous (Paris, 1941), Henri Decoin; dubbed by Esmāʿīl Kūšān
Mosābaqa-ye eskī (Skiing; D), Ebrāhīm Moʿtażedī
1326 Š./1947
Manāẓer-e Tehrān (Sights of Tehran; D), Abu’l-Qāsem Reżāʾī
Moḥammad Reżā Shah at Tabrīz (D), Armed Forces
Film Unit
Qesmat-ī az zendagānī-e ḵoṣūṣī-e Šāhanšāh wa ʿOlyā
Ḥażrat Maleka (Scenes from the private lives of H.M. the king and H.M. the queen; D), Abu’l-Qāsem Reżāʾī
Qoṣūr-e salṭanatī (Royal palaces; D), Abu’l-Qāsem
Ṭūfān-e zendagī (Storm of life; Mītrā Film; F),
Moḥammad-ʿAlī Daryābīgī
1329 Š./1950
Šarmsār (Disgraced; Pārs Film; F), Esmāʿīl Kūšān
Ḥaml-e janāza-ye Reżā Šāh-e Kabīr (Transfer of Reżā
Shah’s corpse; D), Stūdīo Arteš (Armed forces film unit)
1331 Š./1952
Mādar (The mother; Pārs Film; F), Esmāʿīl Kūšān
Velgard (The vagabond; Iran Film; F), Mahdī Raʾīs Fīrūz
1332 Š./1953
Ḡaflat (Negligence; Pārs Film; F), ʿAlī Kasmāʾī
1333 Š./1954
Čahār-rāh-e ḥawādeṯ (Crossroads of incidents; Dīānā Film; F), Sāmūel Ḵāčīkīān
Qīām-e Pīšavarī (Pīšavarī’s uprising; Oriental
Company; F), P. Ḵaṭībī
1334 Š./1955
Amīr Arsalān-e nāmdār (The illustrious Amīr Arsalān;
Pārs Film; F), Šāpūr Yāsamī
1335 Š./1956
Hafdah rūz be eʿdām (Seventeen days to the execution;
ʿAṣr-e Ṭelāʾī Studio; F), Hūšang Kāvūsī
1336 Š./1957
Bolbol-e mazraʿa (The nightingale of the farm; Dīānā
Film; F), Majīd Moḥsenī
Eṣfahān (Isfahan; Ministry of culture and art; D),
Moḥammadqolī Sattār
Šab-nešīnī dar jahannam (Soirée in hell; Badīʿ Studio;
F), Sāmuēl Ḵāčīkīān
1337 Š./1958
ʿArūs-e ferārī (Bride on the run; Pārs Film; F), Esmāʿīl Kūšān
Čašm be rāh (Waiting; Karvān Film; F), ʿAṭāʾ-Allāh
Janūb-e šahr (The southern part of the city; Īrānnāma
Studio; F), Farroḵ Ḡaffārī
Lāt-e javānmard (A chivalrous rogue; Dīāna Fīlm; F),
Majīd Moḥsenī
Mīnīātorhā-ye īrānī (Persian miniatures; Ministry of
culture and art; D), Moṣṭafā Farzāna
Ṭelesm-e šekasta (The broken spell; Pārs Film; F),
Sīāmak Yāsamī
Ṭūfān dar šahr-e mā (Storm in our town; Ā`īr Film;
F), Sāmūel Ḵāčīkīān
1338 Š./1959
Doqolūha@ (The twins; Pārs Film; F), Šāpūr Yāsamī
Mīmīram barā-ye pūl (I’d die for money; Amīr
Company; F), Mahdī Raʾīs Fīrūz
1340 Š./1961
Āhang-e dehkada (The village song; Tehrān-Šahrestān
Film; F), Majīd Moḥsenī
Taḵt-e Jamšīd (Persepolis; D), Fereydūn Rahnemā
1341 Š./1962
Ḵāna sīāh ast (The house is doomed; Anjoman-e
komak be joḏāmīān; D), Forūḡ Farroḵzād
Kolāh-maḵmalī (The man with the felt hat; Pārs Film;
F), Esmāʿīl Kūšān
1342 Š./1963
Parastūhā be lāna bar mīgardand (The swallows return
to their nests; Tehrān-Šahrestān Film; F), Majīd Moḥsenī
Raqābat dar šahr (Rivalry in the town; F), Farroḵ
Šab-e qūzī (Night of the hunchback; Īrānnāma Studio;
F), Farroḵ Ḡaffārī
Sāḥel-e enteẓār (Beach of waiting; Mīṯāqīya Studio;
F), Sīāmak Yāsamī
Setāra-ī čašmak zad (A star twinkled; Badīʿ Studio;
F), Moḥsen Badīʿ
1343 Š./1964
Faryād-e nīma-šab (A cry at midnight; Mīṯāqīya
Studio; F), Sāmūel Ḵāčīkīān
Gowd-e moqqadas (The sacred pit; D), Hažīr Dārīūš
Laḏḏat-e gonāh (The pleasure of sin; Pūrīā Film; F),
Sīāmak Yāsamī
Serāmīk (Ceramics; Ministry of culture and art; D),
Manūčehr Ṭayyāb
Tappahā-ye Mārlīk (The mounds of Marlik; D),
Ebrāhīm Golestān
Ṭolūʿ-e fajr (The coming of twilight; D), Aḥmad Fārūqī
1344 Š./1965
Ganj-e Qārūn (Qarun’s treasure; Pūrīā Film; F), Sīāmak Yāsamī
Ḵešt o āyīna (The mud brick and the mirror; Golestān
Studio; F), Ebrāhīm Golestān
Mawj, marjān, ḵārā (Wave, coral, and rock; Šerkat-e
mellī-e naft-e Īrān; D), Ebrāhīm Golestān
Zendān-e zanān (The women’s prison; Ministry of
culture and art; D), Kāmrān Šīrdel
1345 Š./1966
Balūṭ (Acorn; Institute for Social Research, Tehran
University; D), Nāder Afšār-e Nāderī
Qaḷʿa (The castle; Ministry of culture and art; D),
Kāmrān Šīrdel
1346 Š./1967
Sīāvoš dar Taḵt-e Jamšīd (Sīāvoš at Persepolis; F),
Fereydūn Rahnemā
Ūn šab ke bārūn ūmad (The night it rained; D),
Kāmrān Šīrdel
1347 Š./1968
Ānsū-ye hayāhū (Beyond the sound barrier; D),
Ḵosrow Sīnāʾī
Ḵāna-ye Ḵodā (The house of God; D), Abu’l-Qāsem
1348 Š./1969
Ārāmeš dar ḥożūr-e dīgarān (Tranquility in the
presence of others; NIRT; F), Nāṣer Taqwāʾī; released in
1352 Š./1973
Gāv (The cow; Ministry of culture and art; F), Dārīūš
Qeyṣar (Aryānā Film; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
1349 Š./1970
Āqā-ye Hālū (Mr. Simpleton; Kaspīan Studio; F),
Dārīūš Mehrjūʾī
Bād-e jenn (The sorcerer’s wind; NIRT; D), Nāṣer
Ḥasan Kačal (Bald Ḥasan; Payām Company; F), ʿAlī
Masjed-e jāmeʿ (Congregational mosque; Ministry of
culture and art; D), Manūčehr Ṭayyāb
Yā żāmen-e āhu @ (Oh, protector of the deer [i.e., Imam
Reżā]; NIRT; D), Parvīz Kīmīāwī
1350 Š./1971
Adyān dar Īrān (Religions in Iran; D), Manūčehr
Arbaʿīn (Forty [days after ʿĀšūrāʾ]; NIRT; D), Nāṣer
Dāš Akol (Dash Akol; Rex Cinema Theater Company;
F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
Doroškačī (The cab driver; Pārs Film; F), Noṣrat-Allāh Karīmī
Ferār az tala (Escape from the trap; Filmco Films; F),
Jalāl Moqaddam
Ḵodā ḥāfeẓ rafīq (Good-bye, buddy; Aryānā Film; F), Amīr Nāderī
Rītm (Rhythm; D), Manūčehr Ṭayyāb Seh qāp (Three
dice; Īmāž Film; F), Zakarīā Hāšemī
1351 Š./1972
Ātaš-e bedūn-e dūd (Fire without smoke, NIRT, D),
Nāder Ebrāhīmīān
Balūč (The Baluch; Mīṯāqīa Studio; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
Bītā (Bītā; Telfilm; F), Hažīr Dārīūš
Čašma (The spring; NIRT; F), Arbī Ovānesīān
Ḵᵛāstgār (The suitor; Gorūh-e Āzād-e Fīlm and
Panorama Company; F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
Moḡolhā (The Mongols; NIRT; F), Parvīz Kīmīāwī
P meṯl-e pelīkān (P as in “pelican”; NIRT; D), Parvīz
Ragbār (Downpour; Panorama Company; F), Bahrām
Šab-e momtadd (Eternal night; D), Reżā ʿAllāmazāda
Safar (The journey; F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī
Ṣamad wa Fūlād-zereh-e dīv (Ṣamad and the demon
Steely-armor; Gorūh-e Āzād-e Fīlm and Rex Cinema Theater Company; F), Jalāl Moqaddam
1351-55 Š./1972-77
Dāʾī Jān Nāpelʾon* (Dear Uncle Napoleon; NIRT; F),
Nāṣer Taqwāʾī
Solṭān-e Ṣāḥebqerān* (NIRT; F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
1352 Š./1973
Balūṭ (Acorn; NIRT; D), Ḡolām-Ḥosayn Ṭāherīdūst
Ḵāk (Earth; Mīṯāqīya Studio; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
Pesar-e Īrān az mādar-aš bī-ḵabar ast (Iran’s son does
not know about his mother; F), Fereydūn Rahnemā
Tangnā (The bottleneck; Payām Company; F), Amīr Nāderī
Yak ettefāq-e sāda (A simple incident; Ministry of culture and art; F), Sohrāb Šahīd(-e) Ṯāleṯ
Zanbūrak (The swivel gun; Telfilm and Gorūh-e Āzad-e Namāyeš; F), Farroḵ Ḡaffārī
1353 Š./1974
Asrār-e ganj-e darra-ye jennī (The mystery of the
treasure of the valley of the genies; Golestān Studio; F), Ebrāhīm Golestān
Meʿmārī-e ṣafawīya (Safavid architecture; Ministry of
culture and art; D), Manūčehr Ṭayyāb
Mosāfer (The traveler; Kānūn-e parvareš-e fekrī-e kūdakān wa nowjavānān; F), ʿAbbās Kīārostamī
Ordū-ye kār (The labor camp; D), Moḥammad-Ḥosayn
Mohīnī Ḥasanābādī
Sārbānān (The camel drivers; D), Kayūmarṯ
Šāzda Eḥtejāb (Prince Eḥtejāb; Telfilm; F), Bahman
1354 Š./1975
Dar ḡorbat (Far from home; Provobis Film, Germany,
and New Film Group; F), Sohrāb Šahīd(-e) Ṯāleṯ
Ḡarība wa meh (The stranger and the fog; Rex Cinema
Theater Company; F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī
Ṭabīʿat-e bījān (Still life; Gorūh-e Āzād-e Fīlm and
Telfilm; F), Sohrāb Šahīd(-e) Ṯāleṯ
1355 Š./1976
Bāḡ-e sangī (The stone garden; D), Parvīz Kīmīāwī
Bāzār-mīgeryad (The bāzār weeps; D), ʿAbbās
Bāqerīān and Reżā Ḡarawī
Šabīh-e šahādat (The enactment of martyrdom; D),
ʿAlī-Aṣḡar Aṣḡarīān
Sarāydār (Watchman; Mehr Company; F), Ḵosrow
1356 Š./1977
Dar emtedād-e šab (In the course of the night;
Biograph; F), Parvīz Ṣayyād
Dāyera-ye mīnā (Eng. title The Cycle; Telfilm et al.;
F), Dārīūš Mehrjūʾī
Gozāreš (The report; FIDCI; F), ʿAbbās Kīārostamī
Kalāḡ (The crow; FIDCI; F), Bahrām Bayzāʾī
O.K. Mister (NIRT; F), Parvīz Kīmīāwī; never shown
in Persia
Sūte-delān (The broken-hearted; Payām Company; F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
1357 Š./1978
Čerīka-ye Tārā (The ballad of Tārā; Līsār Film Group;
F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī; never shown publicly
Do rāh-e ḥall barā-ye yak masʾala (Two solutions for
one problem; Kānūn-e parvareš-e fekrī-e kūdakān o
nowjavānān; D), ʿAbbās Kīārostamī
Marṯīa (Requiem; Ḵāna-ye Fīlm-e Īrān; F), Amīr
1358 Š./1979
Āzādī (Freedom; D), group effort
Barā-ye āzādī (For freedom; D), Ḥosayn Torābī
Bon-bast (Dead end; New Film Group; F), Parvīz
Ḥarf bezan Torkaman (Speak up, Turkman; D), Reżā
Īrān dar boḥbūḥa-ye enqelāb (Persia in the throes of
revolution; Iranian Students Association; D), group effort
Jomʿa-ye ḵūnīn (Bloody Friday; D), by Rafīq Pūyā
(Pooya) and Marcia Goodman
Die langen Ferien der Lotte H. Eisner (The long
vacations of Lotte H. Eisner; D), Sohrāb Šahīd(-e) Ṯāleṯ
Marg bar amperīālīzm (Death to imperialism; Fedāʾīān-e ḵalq; D), Saʿīd Solṭānpūr
Moṣāḥaba bā ḵānavādahā-ye Ḵᵛošdel wa Ḏu’l-Anwār
(Interview with the Ḵᵛošdel and Ḏu’l-Anwār families; Mojāhedīn; D), group effort
Sāyahā-ye boland-e bād (Tall shadows of the wind; Telfilm, Iran Biograph Film Center, and Ministry of culture and art; F), Bahman Farmānārā
Soḵanrānī-e Masʿūd Rajawī (Masʿūd Rajawī’s speech;
Mojāhedīn; D), group effort
Šoʿlahā-ye āzādī (Flames of freedom; Confederation of Iranian Students; D), group effort
Soqūṭ-e 57 (The fall of 57; D), Bārbod Ṭāherī
Taẓāhorāt-e mādarān-e mosalmān (Demonstration of Muslim mothers; Mojāhedīn; D), group effort
1359 Š./1980
Dargīrīhā-ye Mahābād (Engagements in Mahābād; Kurdish rebel groups; D), group effort
Iran. Inside the Islamic Republic (D), Bīžan Sālīānī
Jang-e Sanandaj (Battle of Sanandaj; Kurdish rebel group; D), group effort
Jostojū (The search; VVIR; D), Amīr Nāderī
Soḵanrānī-e barādarān Masʿūd Rajawī wa Mūsā
Ḵīābānī (Speeches by the brothers Masʿūd Rajawī and Mūsā Ḵīābānī; Mojāhedīn; D), group effort
Tā enqelāb (Until the revolution; D), Moḥammad Tehrānī
1360 Š./1981
Berenj-e ḵūnīn (Bloody rice; Setād-e Bar-goḏārī-e Sevvomīn Sālgard-e Enqelāb-e Eslāmī; F), Amīr Qawīdel and Asad-Allāh Nīk-Nežād
Dar defāʿ az mardom (In defense of the people; D), Rafīq Pūyā (Rafigh Pooya)
Dard-e hamsangar-am (The pain of my fellow in the trenches; VVIR; D), Asad-Allāh Nīknežād
The Day They Went Hunting (D), Farzān Nawāb
Kūdak wa estesmār (Children and colonialism; Kānun-e parvareš-e fekrī-e kūdakān o now javānān; D), Moḥammad-Reżā Aṣlānī
Kūrapaz-ḵāna (The brick factory; Kānun-e parvareš-e fekrī-e kūdakān o now javānān; D), Moḥammad-Reżā Moqqadasī
1361 5./1982
Nafīr (Sound; D), Jahānšāh Ardalān
Barzaḵīhā (People in limbo; Moḥammadzāda Company; F), Īraj Qāderī
Farmān (The command; Farhang Film; F), Kūpāl Meškāt
Ḥājī Vāšangton (F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
Ḵaṭṭ-e qermez (The red line; Gorūh-e Āzād-e Fīlm; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī; never shown publicly
Marg-e Yazdegerd (The death of Yazdegerd; Sadā wa Sīmā-ye Jomhūrī-e Eslāmī-e Īrān; F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī; never shown publicly
1362 Š./1983
Moḥarram dar Moḥarram (Moḥarram within Moḥarram; VVIR; D), Čehel Šāhed
1363 Š./1984
Bāzjūʾī-e yak jenāyat (The investigation of a crime; F), Moḥammad-ʿAlī Sajjādī
Ferestāda (The Mission; New Film Group and Aria Film Group; U.S.A. and Germany; F), Parvīz Ṣayyād
Kamāl-al-Molk (Kamāl-al-Molk; F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
Nightsongs (USA; F), Marva Nabīlī
Noqṭa-ye żaʿf (The weak point; F), Moḥammad-Reżā Aʿlāmī
1364 Š./1985
Āb, bād, ḵāk (Water, wind, dust; F), Amīr Nāderī
Davanda (The runner; Kānūn-e Parvareš-e Fekrī-e Kūdakān o Nowjavānān; F), Amīr Nāderī
Mādīān (The mare; Bonyād-e Sīnemāʾī-e Fārābī; F), ʿAlī Žakān
ʿOqābhā (The eagles; Manṣūr and ʿAlī Mazīnānī; F), Sāmūel Ḵāčīkīān
1365 Š./1986
Journal from Iran (D), Peršeng Ṣādeqwazīrī
Bašū, ḡarība-ye kūček (Bašū, the little stranger; Kānūn-e Parvareš-e Fekrī-e Kūdakān o Nowjavānān; F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī
Dreams Betrayed. A Study of Political Cinema in Iran (1969-1979) (U.S.A.; Jamsheed Akrami; D), Jamsheed Akrami
Ejāra-nešīnhā (The tenants; Paḵšīrān; F), Dārīūš Mehrjūʾī
Jāddahā-ye sard (Frosty roads; Bonyād-e Sīnemāʾī-e Fārābī; F), Masʿūd Jaʿfarī Jowzānī
Ḵāna-ye dūst kojāʾst (Where is my friend’s house?; Kānūn-e Parvareš-e Fekrī-e Kūdakān o Nowjavānān; F), ʿAbbās Kīārostamī
Otobūs (The bus; Āyat Film, produced in western Azerbaijan; F), Yad-Allāh Ṣamadī
Šīr-e sangī (Stone lion; Bonyād-e Sīnemāʾī-e Fārābī;
F), Masʿūd Jaʿfarī Jowzānī
Le tablier de ma mère (My mother’s apron; France; F), Arbī Ovānesīān/Arby Ovanessian
Tanūra-ye dīv (The demon’s flight; Bonyād-e Sīnemāʾī-e Fārābī; F), Kīānūš ʿAyyārī
Taṣwīr-e āḵer (The last image; Bonyād-e Mostażʿafān; F), Mahdī Ṣabbāḡzāda
Ṭelesm (The talisman; Bonyād-e Mostażʿafān; F), Dārīūš Farhang
1365 Š./1987
Sarḥadd (Checkpoint; U.S.A.; F), Parvīz Ṣayyād
1366 Š./1987
Dastforūš (The peddlar; Sāzmān-e Tablīḡāt-e Eslāmī; F), Moḥsen Maḵmalbāf
A Few Simple Sentences (F), Reżā ʿAllāmazāda
Nāḵodā Ḵᵛoršīd (Captain Ḵᵛoršīd; Paḵšīrān and Gorūh-e Fīlm-e Paymān; F), Nāṣer Taqwāʾī
1367 Š./1988
Muhammad Ali Mahmat (Sweden; D), Hūšang Mošīrī
Beg o ḏār zendagī konam (Let me live; Āryān Film; F), Šāpūr Ḡarīb
Īstgāh (The station, F), Yad-Allāh Ṣamadī
Ḵārej az maḥdūda (Eng. title: Off the Limit; F), Raḵšān Banī Eʿtemād
Šāyad waqt-ī dīgar (Maybe some other time; Novīn Film; F), Bahrām Bayżāʾī
Tīḡ o abrīšam (The blade and the silk; F), Masʿūdī
1368 Š./1989
Laḥżāt-ī bā Nāder Nāderpūr (U.S.A; D), Bārbod Ṭāherī
Ān sū-ye ātaš (Beyond the fire, F), Kīānūš ʿAyyārī
ʿArūsī-e ḵūbān (Marriage of the blessed; F), Moḥsen Maḵmalbāf
Bāysīkel rān (The cyclist; F), Moḥsen Maḵmalbāf
Gāl (Scabies; F), Abu’l-Fażl Jalīlī
Guests of Hotel Astoria (F), Reżā ʿAllāmazāda
Kastī Angelika (The ship Angelica; F), Moḥammad Bozorgnīā
Māhī (the fish; F), Kāmbūzīā Partovī
Mohājer (The immigrant; F), Ebrāhīm Ḥātamīkīā
Šīrak (The little lion; F), Dārīūš Mehrjūʾī
The Suitors (U.S.A.; F), Qāsem Ebrāhīmīān
1369 Š./1990
Far from Persia (D), Perešeng Ṣādeqwazīrī
Ey Īrān (Oh, Iran; F), Nāṣer Taqwāʾī
Klūzāp (Closeup; F), ʿAbbās Kīārostamī
Dandān-e mār (The serpent’s tooth; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
Hāmūn (The prairie; F), Dārīūš Mehrjūʾī
Kelīd (The key; F), Ebrāhīm Forūzeš
Mādar (The mother; F), ʿAlī Ḥātamī
Nār o ney (F), Saʿīd Ebrāhīmīfar
ʿObūr az gōbār (Passing through the dust; F), Pūrān Deraḵšanda
1370 Š./1991
Gorūhbān (The sergeant; F), Masʿūd Kīmīāʾī
Nawbat-e ʿāšeqī (A time for love; F), Moḥsen
Originally Published: December 15, 1991
Last Updated: October 20, 2011
This article is available in print.
Vol. V, Fasc. 6, pp. 587-590