ʿABD-AL-QĀDER B. SAYYED MOḤAMMAD HĀŠEM B. SAYYED MOḤAMMAD ḤOSAYNĪ, Persian-language poet, biographer, and commentator of Sind (fl. late 10th to early 11th cent. A.H.). Of his poetry, the only extant specimens are verses in praise of Ḵosrow Khan, a noble at the court of the Arghunid ruler at Thatta, Mīrzā Jānī Beg (993-1008/1584-99). These are found in ʿAbd-al-Qāder’s biographical work on the saints of Sind, Ḥadīqat al-awlīāʾ (Storey, I, p. 983). Completed in 1016/1607-08, this work contains forty-one notices, beginning with Shaikh Bahāʾ-al-dīn Zakarīyāʾ (q.v., 578-661/1182-1263). It was published by the Sindi Adabi Board, Hyderabad (Sind), 1967, with a separate appendix on the life of Sayyed ʿAbd-al-Hādī, familiarly known as Jamīl Šāh Gornārī (580-642/1185-1244). Another surviving work, Monkašefāt fī šarḥ al-monfareǰāt, is a commentary on the Arabic qaṣīda al-monfareǰa, ascribed to Ḥasan Baṣrī; ʿAbd-al-Qāder summarizes the meaning and provides grammatical analyses. A manuscript is preserved in the India Office Library (Ethé, Cat. Ind. Off. I, no. 2972).
See also H. I. Sadarangani, Persian Poets of Sind, Karachi, 1956, pp. 15-16, 50.
Mīr ʿAlī Šīr Qāneʿ Tattavī, Maqālāt al-šoʿarāʾ, Karachi, 1957, pp. 201-02, 424-25.
Sayyed Mīr Moḥammad Jalāl, Tarḵānnāma, Karachi, 1964, pp. 65-83.
Ḵayyāmpūr, Soḵanvarān, p. 378.
(M. Baqir)
Originally Published: December 15, 1982
Last Updated: July 14, 2011
This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 2, p. 132
M. Baqir, “'Abd-Al-Qader Hosayni,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/2, p. 132; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/abd-al-qader-hosayni-16th-century-poet-of-sind (accessed on 16 January 2014).