Summer School: New Directions in the Study of the Mongol Empire


Summer School: New Directions in the Study of the Mongol Empire

Applications deadline: November 5, 2013

July 1-4, 2013   |   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The "New Directions in the Study of the Mongol Empire" Summer School aims to scrutinize the empire from a holistic perspective. It looks at the Mongol Period not only as a chapter in the annals of China, Iran, Russia or Inner Asia, but as a multi-faceted phenomenon in its own right - one that combined elements from various Asian imperial traditions (particularly steppe, Islamic, Persian, and Sinitic empires) and made them its own - and which has had a broad and enduring impact on world history.

This summer school will convene some of the leading scholars in the history of the Mongol Empire, all of them contributors to The Cambridge History of the Mongol Empire currently in preparation and edited by Michal Biran and Hodong Kim. Each scholar will give a lecture concerning the new and provocative aspects of his/her chapter, which cover themes ranging from political history through material culture and religious exchange to military technology and institutional history. Following each lecture, the floor will be open for comments and suggestions from the other participants, both colleagues and students. The Mongols will be discussed in their own terms highlighting the transformations they brought upon the regions under their control and the cross-pollination that took place under their dominion.

For full details, click on this pdf-file.

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