Table of Contents


    Hamid Algar

    (1731-1801) B. MOḤAMMAD-BĀQER, ĀQĀ, Shiʿite mojtahed celebrated primarily for his ferocious hatred of Sufis.


    Hamid Algar

    ĀQĀ SAYYED, Shiʿite mojtahed and champion of the Oṣūlī school in Shiʿite law (feqh).


    Multiple Authors

    (1927-2014), eminent Iranian poet and human rights activist noted for her innovative treatment of the traditional genre of ghazal.

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    Saeid Rezvani

    (1927-2014), was introduced to Persian poetry since early childhood; her poems were tinged with shades of social commitment and with the onset of the 1979 revolution took on unprecedented dimensions of social consciousness which won her numerous awards and prizes.

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  • BEHBAHANI, SIMIN ii. Poetry

    Saeid Rezvani

    Behbahani enjoyed a studied familiarity with Iran’s literary past. Over the course of several decades, she devoted her efforts toward the reinterpretation of the ghazal, and gave expression to new subject matters with new meanings not heretofore encountered in the classical tradition of the genre.

  • BEHBAHANI, SIMIN iii. Prose

    Houra Yavari

    Although more noted for her poems, Behbahani has also written extensively in prose, and her stories are characterized by experimentations with time and space, and reflect an imaginative approach to the remembrance of bygone days.

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  • BEHBAHANI, SIMIN iv. Selected Bibliography

    Saeid Rezvani and Houra Yavari

    This article contains a selected bibliography of the works of Simin Behbahani.

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    Yuri Bregel

    (1875-1919), MOLLĀ MAḤMŪD ḴᵛĀJA, one of the leaders of the Jadīd movement in Central Asia in the 1900s-1910s, journalist and playwright.


    Mohammad Ali Faghih

    (maintaining health), term applied to the entire organization and services provided either by government or by various other agencies to secure the health of the people, hospitals, clinics, centers and other supporting services.

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    Akbar Moarefi

    (“Health for All”), a magazine published by the Division of Public Health Education in Tehran, 1953-56.