Table of Contents


    D. M. MacEoin

    a 19th-century messianic movement in Iran and Iraq under the overall charismatic leadership of Sayyed ʿAlī-Moḥammad Šīrāzī, the Bāb (1819-1850). Babism was the only significant millenarian movement in Shiʿite Islam during the 19th century.

  • BABISM iii. Babism in Neyriz

    Hussein Ahdieh

    In 1850, Sayyed Yaḥyā Dārābi, a Babi named as Waḥid arrived in Neyriz, a town in Fars south of Iran. There was a violent confrontation between those who had converted to Babism and the governor of Neyriz. There were more periods of friendly relations with Bahais and Muslims as well as mayhem to come.


    A. Vööbus

    catholicos (d. 481 or 484), orthodox leader of the Christian church in Iran under Pērōz, one of Barṣaumā’s chief opponents. 


    Multiple Authors

    town in Māzandarān, formerly Bārforūš.

  • BĀBOL ii. Islamic Monuments

    S. Blair

    Once the largest town in Māzandarān, Bābol was the site of numerous monuments, including mosques, quarters, madrasas, takias, shrines and so on; Yet today only two small ninth/fifteenth-century emāmzādas are classified as historical monuments.

  • BĀBOL iii. Population, 1956-2011

    Mohammad Hossein Nejatian

    This article deals with the following population characteristics of Bābol city: population growth from 1956 to 2011, age structure, average household size, literacy rate, and economic activity status.

    This Article Has Images/Tables.
  • BĀBOL i. The Town

    X. de Planhol

    a small, local market-place, as indicated by its original name, Bārforūš; The settlement developed in early Safavid times on the site of the old town of Māmṭīr, and was favored by Shah ʿAbbās who built a garden there, Bāḡ-e Šāh or Bāḡ-e Eram.


    X. de Planhol

    town on the Caspian coast in the province of Māzandarān.


    M. E. Subtelny

    Timurid prince (1422-1457), the youngest son of Bāysonqor and a great-grandson of the conqueror Tīmūr.


    F. Lehmann

    (1483-1530), Timurid prince, military genius, and literary craftsman, founder of the Mughal Empire in India.


    D. Balland

    (or Bābor, Bābar; sing. Bāboray), a Paṧtūn tribe originally from the Solaymān mountains, now widely dispersed.

  • BABR

    P. Joslin

    “tiger.” The little evidence suggests only tentative differences between the Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) and the Indian tiger (P. t. tigris) or the Siberian tiger (P. t. altaica).


    Dj. Khaleghi-Motlagh

    (or babr, also called palangīna), in the traditional history, the name of the coat which Rostam wore in combat.


    G. Cardascia

    The economic and cultural history of Babylon under the Persian Achaemenids rule matched the vicissitudes of its political life.


    Multiple Authors

    ancient state in southern Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq.

  • BABYLONIA i. History of Babylonia in the Median and Achaemenid periods

    M. A. Dandamayev

    The Medes, under their king Cyaxares, first seized the Assyrian province of Arrapha in 614 B.C. Then, in the autumn of the same year, and after a fierce battle, they gained control of Assyria’s ancient capital, Assur. Nabopolassar brought his Babylonian army and joined the Medes after Assur had fallen.

  • BABYLONIA ii. Babylonian Influences on Iran

    G. Gnoli

    In the Achaemenid period, the influence of Babylonia was strong in the fields of the arts, science, religion, and religious policies, even affecting the concept of kingship.


    M. Dandamayev

    as sources for Iranian history. In a number of cases Babylonian chronicles provide valuable information about the political history of Iran. They began with the reign of Nabu-nāṣir (747-734 BCE) and continued as far as the reign of Seleucus II (245-226 BCE).


    D. Balland

    “the water-carrier’s child,” the derogatory name given to the leader of a peasants’ revolt which succeeded in placing him on the throne of Afghanistan in 1929.


    A. Netzer

    (1850-1913), Hungarian scholar of Persian and Judeo-Persian language and literature.